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Fabrication of Deck Module & Housing

Alucor is pleased to announce successful completion of a significant project .


Our multifaceted project involves the fabrication and assembly of various components, each contributing to the overall success of the project. At the heart of this venture is the fabrication of 562 metric ton FP deck module with housing, demonstrating our dedication to precision engineering and uncompromising quality.


The project's scope includes diverse elements such as a 160 metric ton fall pipe, A-frame, 28 mT cursor Frame, 9 mT bucket handling system, 43 mT loader, 40 mT ROV floor, 12 mT lower telescopic pipe, 45 mT skids, 75 mT upper foundation and Gantry foundation.


Alucor's dedication to delivering top-notch fabrication, meticulous assembly, and timely delivery remains unwavering, solidifying our reputation as a trusted partner in the offshore industry.

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